15 Stomach Turning Selfies From The World’s Tallest Buildings

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It is safe to say that the 00s was the dawn of the selfie. From Myspace to Instagram – the selfie has evolved so much that it has become a staple thing in our lives.

Now, whilst most of us limit the selfie taking to the confinements of our own rooms, next to a window (the best lighting) there are some crazy cats who have taken it one step further.

With the help of a selfie stick and a whole load of courage, these adrenaline junkies have taken the most jaw-dropping selfies from great heights around the world.

Hold on to the edge of your seats, guys, these selfies would make even the bravest person super nervous…;

1. The Princess Tower – Dubai


Alexander Remnev scalled the worlds largest residential building. At 1,350ft, this is one high-flying selfie!

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