Awesome Stuff

Newly Discovered Tiny Shark Should Star In An Adorable Version Of Jaws

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Sharks. Aquatic menaces or little water friends?

Sharks. Aquatic menaces or little water friends?

What you’re looking at is the second “Pocket Shark” ever discovered. No, it’s not called that because it can fit in your pocket. Give scientists a little more credit would you? It takes its unique name from a “mysterious orifice” (scientists’ wording, not ours!) that it has above its normal pectoral shark fin.

Scientists are not sure what the pocket is for. Have they thought maybe a little shark wallet? Jeez, do I have to do all the research around here?

Small shark, big deal

Small shark, big deal

This 5.5 long menace to the ocean was actually discovered in a bunch of frozen specimens collected in the deep sea near Louisiana in 2010. They were sorting through all these frozen “morsels,” and stumbled upon the extremely rare shark. The only other shark like this to be found was off the coast of Peru, 36 years ago.

Head researcher Mark Grace said: “This record of such an unusual and extremely rare fish is exciting, but its also an important reminder that we still have much to learn about the species that inhabit our oceans.

Deep and important wisdom Mar. OR, I propose once this shark has finished helping with scientific endeavors, we get it together with some tiny action figures and recreate some Jaws scenes. It could be great!

Simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.