10 Animals You Don’t Want To Trade Places With
When’s The Last Time You…;?
Most people know the discomfort of not digesting food well, hence all the digestive aids on the market. But with a little help, some water, and exercise, nature will usually call. Not so easy for everyone though. Sloths take up to a month digest their food! Guess sleeping your life away and being a couch potato has its drawbacks. Not to mention the bloating!
The Beautiful And Damned
We all get nervous from time to time, but there’s usually a way to disguise it — however skunks are rather unlucky in this department. They might be pretty and exotic to look at, but it takes a village to get the smell out whatever they spray. And that spray goes a long way, up to 10 feet! No chance of going incognito if you’re this guy. Aren’t you glad you’re not known as the one who’s stinking the place up?