10 Movies That Are Shockingly Banned Overseas

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10 Movies That Are Shockingly Banned Overseas


2012 was not banned in North Korea because the country’s leaders had a real problem with the subject matter. It was more the fact that the year was the centenary of the birth of Kim Il-Sung, the nation’s founder.

2012 was supposed to be a lucky year because of this fact and the despots that run the country didn’t want anything to mar the happy occasion. The end of the world certainly counted.

Schindler’s List

Indonesia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Malaysia have all banned their citizens from seeing Schindler’s List for the simple reason that they are predominantly Muslim and they have a problem with the Jewish population. Many of these countries were angered that Jews were portrayed as “smart” and “strong” while the Nazis were depicted as evil monsters.

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