
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together

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13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 43. You have another mutual interest in common.
You have a common passion interest that bonds you, he might love basketball and youre more into fashion, but working out unites you as a force. Bonding over interests that youre both passionate about can make a couple way closer and reinforce the closeness of your relationship.

13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 54. You understand that the gym is as important as date night.
You dont get jealous of the gym about stealing your partner from you. If they spend a couple of hours at the gym, you support and encourage them instead of resenting them for not hanging out with you. You totally get the need to zone out and be unreachable for a couple of hours. Its all about support and understanding.

13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 65. You wont be able to make excuses anymore.
Guilt tripping yourself is pretty bad, but having the person that regularly sees you naked guilt trip you about skipping out on the gym is a big bummer, and we cant think of a better or more urgent motivation. No more excuses a good partner should teach you to push yourself, not let you give in to your vices.

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