
20 Things All 00s Girls Are Embarrassed They Did

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Buying Foam Flip Flops

You werent anyone in the 00s if you didnt wear heels and before investing in your first pair of stilettos, you looked to platforms for ease and comfort. The fact that your parents allowed you to wear your platform flip flops is a little worrying to you, and as a result, you still dont trust their judgment.

Blowing Your Allowance On Juicy Couture

Lets face it, Juice Couture was the closest that you were ever going to get to real couture clothing and because of this, you saw no issue with investing in a few of their timeless pieces. Your penchant for velour has since gone out of the window and you look back to the money you wasted with serious regret.

Making A Mix CD For Your Crush

Filling a blank CD with all of the latest RnB releases was just another Saturday for you. You knew that if you got the song order right, your crush would fall head over heels for you; it was just a matter of time.

Being Obsessed With Marissa

Perfection in the 00s was born in the shape of Marissa from The OC. You spent days dreaming of her subtly highlighted hair and when she had a full blown meltdown, you cried for weeks. RIP Marissa.

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