Awesome Stuff

7 Makeup Trends to Follow This Spring

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Ladies, spring is here and it’s time to learn makeup trends to follow this season. Seeing the makeup trends yearly on the runway is so amazing. Sometimes the looks are extremely bright and meant to make a great impact while others are too dramatic and it seems impossible to wear such makeup. This spring, the bold looks make the makeup seem hard to wear, though there are a few makeup trends that are easy to follow.

1) Purple makeup

One of the biggest makeup trends to follow this spring is purple makeup. Lavender, lilac, and orchid are popular shades this season. Although I saw some girls wearing purple lipstick, I think the best way to follow this makeup trend is focusing on the eyes. You can use purple shadow for a dramatic smoky eye look, especially if you have those mysterious green eyes because purple makes green eyes even more beautiful. If you don’t like a smoky eye look, you can simply use purple eyeliner.

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