Every year for Christmas, I make my special Christmas candy for the relatives. I normally just put them in a plastic treat bag or Ziploc bag, but this year I wanted to do something else. I wanted to put the candy into a handmade bowl for them instead of the plastic bags. So I found a tutorial on how to make a bowl out of string, cling film, fabric stiffener and a bowl for the mold. I soaked the string in the fabric softener, wrapped the mold bowl in the cling wrap and then I arranged the string over the outside of the mold bowl and let it dry. Then I took it off, let it dry some more and then I cleaned up the extra fabric softener. Once it was good and dry, I added some of my Christmas candy into the bowls and they were passed out as presents for the family. It was a huge hit and some family members even told me that they still use the bowls to store their fruit in it.
Read the tutorial here:

Copyrights: http://crafts.tutsplus.com/articles/make-a-stunning-string-bowl-for-your-homecraft-6520