
Fantastically fabulous mom hacks

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There are certain things that busy moms need. No, not wine, thats a whole other story. More time, space, and less fuss. I think we all love finding little tips and tricks to make our lives easier. I love finding lists that are geared specifically towards us as moms, filled with ideas and projects that we can even get our kids involved with. I have recently found some really good ones. Like taking a pack and play outside filled with some toys and books, and covered with a sheet. That way your baby is protected from the sun and you can get things done without worrying. Genius! Or how about the ninety stuffed animals that your child just has to have, who has room for all of those? You do! Hang a rope from the ceiling and attach the stuffed animals with clothespins. I would have never thought of that! How about organizing Legos with a shoe organizer, making homemade cleaners, a safer trampoline or knowing how to keep doors unlocked? You can find those and many more.

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some really good ones

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