
Healing Salad- Cure For Vaginal Infections & Candida

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We often list fruit salads in our articles as a healthy choice for breakfast, snack or dinner. There are many fruit salad recipes, and we will present you a simple, but very healthy pomegranate based fruit salad.

We also hope this salad will encourage you to include this fruit more often in your diet, because it is an irreplaceable gift for the organism and especially helps in the therapy of women with vaginal infections, problems with Candida, HPV …


  • 2 pomegranates
  • 1 apple
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 lemon


Clean pomegranates and put the arils in a deep bowl. Dice the apple and add it in the bowl. Squeeze some lemon over the salad, and stir well. At the end, shred the carrot on top of the salad.

You will get an excellent combination and a real vitamin bomb. Consume this salad as often as possible, there is no quantity limit, and every bite is a real gift for the organism.

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We often list fruit salads in our articles as a healthy choice for breakfast, snack or dinner. There are many fruit salad recipes,…

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