
Here’s What £1m Gets You In London Vs Wales

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It is no secret that house prices in London are beyond ridiculous. To show you just how crazy the capital’s property ladder has become, we have taken a look at what houses you can get for £1 million in both London and Wales.

Unsurprisingly, they are like two completely different worlds – we know where we would rather live!

After looking at the following starkly different houses on the market for £1m right now we find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to splash their cash on one rather than the other.

However, we want you to decide for yourselves – is the central postcode worth the compromised living conditions?

Let the games begin: London vs Wales, time to find out who will be your winner …;.

London: Would you rather this flat in Bayswater…;

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Find this two-bed flat, here.

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