The kitchen can probably become one of the dirtiest rooms in ones home, especially because there are so many corners and spots we dont pay attention to. For example, if your kitchen cabinets are made of wood you probably dont register the fact that dirty bits and greasy stuff can get in between the cracks and niches of the wood. Its hard to spot the greasy stuff, but its still there. Ive learned that the hard way. Fortunately, I was able to get rid of all the grease that was stuck in between the cracks in the kitchen cabinets in our home after following an easy tutorial posted on The tutorial in question isnt your average step by step process, but it does come with before and after pictures of the process, which can give you a pretty clear insight of what a greasy cabinet looks like and the clean final results. The key is using a soft scrub cleaning solution instead of any type of de-greaser and cleaning solutions sold at your local supermarket. I know for a fact that the all-purpose de-greasers work only on some things, like dishes, and stoves, but they dont really do the trick for wooden counters, counter tops and cabinets. On the other hand, the soft scrub did its magic on our cabinets. I strongly recommend you head over to right away and go over the entire tutorial. Youre probably thinking that your cabinets or counters are clean just because they look that way, but in reality, they could be storing tons of layers of grease.
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