
John Oliver Shut Down His Fake Church And The Reason Is Gross (VIDEO)

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If you follow John Olivers show, Last Week Tonight, you might know that he has been on a mission (pun intended) to expose the flaws in tax exempt churches namely that they coerce people who cant afford it to line the pockets of extremely wealthy church leaders.

Oliver, on his show, set up his own church called Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption. He asked for people to send money, all of which would be donated to Doctors Without Borders. Despite the fact that we dont know how much money he raised, his experiment was a resounding success. Prompted by him, the IRS is investigating televangelists.

Now, Oliver has shut his church down, and probably not for the reasons you might think. His wife Wanda Jo (played by Rachel Dratch) explained that they shut it down because they received something in the mail that wasnt money. It was semen. Quite a bit of it, actually.

As Pastor Oliver and his wife, Wanda Jo, explained last night, the decision to close the church came not because we have to we still have not broken any laws by promising you untold riches in return for sending us money. Instead, they revealed that the church had received four separate jar and/or vials of semen. And while some looked fake, others did not.

We live our lives by one hard and fast rule, Rachel Dratch (as Wanda Jo) said. When someone sends you jizz through the mail, its time to stop doing whatever youre doing.

Source: Mediaite

Heres the video:

Featured image via video screen capture.

‘s not writing, she’s hiking with her dogs, riding her bike or cooking a great meal with her friends or loved one. Follow Wendy on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus or on Free to be liberal.


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