Mixed Berry Hand-Pies

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For someone who doesnt like to make pie, I sure am cranking them outits the only way I get to eat them. Yeah, I can buy it, but that would require me to actually drive to a place that sells a good pie. And thats not easily found where I live.

Mixed Berry Hand & Mini Pies via Bakers Royale

So of course like any proper addictany means possibleeven if it that requires me to loathsomely roll out dough. And no, Im not learning to like it anymore than I did last timealthough I am getting faster and better at it.

Mixed Berry Hand & Mini Pies from Bakers Royale

Yay, to small stepping stones. To celebrate (I like to think we are all good friends like that), hit the jump here over to Better Homes and Gardens blog Delish Dish for the recipe.

Lastly as always, if I can please ask you guysif you are going to pin any of the images please do so from Better Homes and Gardens and not here, since the recipes reside over there. Thanks!

Mixed Berry Pie_Ingredients via Bakers Royale

Simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.