
Sega removing two Sonic titles from Wii and Xbox

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It’s like a bad dream that keeps repeating.

Sega is known for games like Sonic the Hedgehog and ToeJam and Earl. They also have a bad reputation for ripping out the hearts of gamers by never releasing long awaited games for their western audience. So, it’s no surprise that Sega announced they will be pulling Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 from Wii Virtual Console and Xbox Live Arcade.

The removal of the games will be completed as of October 30th for Wii Virtual Console. The Xbox Live Arcade version has not had a date set for its removal yet. There is no word on why this is happening or if this will take place worldwide.

This isn’t the first time Sega has disappointed its fans, if you can really call them “fans” lately. Sega in the past has dangled games like Phantasy Star Online 2 in our faces. Then never releases them to the public. So the removal of these Sonic games is almost like a repeated bad dream. Hopefully, Sega will shed light on why they are removing these titles from our lives.

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