Before I had kids, I used to travel around the US and I would get a shirt from each state that I went to. I had over thirty shirts and then I stopped travelling. Years went by and the shirts just sat in a box, but I was not ready to part with them. I also could not wear them anymore either. My friend suggested that I do something else with them. So I thought about it and decided that I would make a quilt out of them. Each shirt had the state name on the front with a little design or something so they made for perfect squares on a quilt. I got some extra material and quilt padding and went to town on this quilt. I am so glad I did it because it now lies on our bed and at night I can be reminded of past stories that I can share with my husband about my previous travels. It helps make for great conversation and was well worth the time and effort to make it. It is my favorite piece.
Read the tutorial here:
