
These Headlines Actually Made It To The Paper? Oh boy…

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As a writer, I often show sympathy for typos found in others” work. This may sound weird, but I find difficult at times to negotiate between the writing voice in your head and the typing voice. Does that make sense?

…I”ll let my editor take that one on. In any case, here are some hilariously bad newspaper headlines that not even I could defend:

1. If jokes were like baseball, this would be a “bunt”. Or should I say “blunt.”

If jokes were like baseball, this would be a

2. What did they expect to find? Monkey pirates?

What did they expect to find? Monkey pirates?

3. Hmm, why is that?

Hmm, why is that?

4. You”re off the hook, swimming bugs.


5. Indeed. No need to ford the river like in pioneer times.

Indeed. No need to ford the river like in pioneer times.

6. Viralnova rarely has such conferences.

Viralnova rarely has such conferences.

7. Cause science!

Cause science!

8. Who says size doesn”t matter?

Who says size doesn

9. Aw get that headline away from that sweet lady”s face please.

Aw get that headline away from that sweet lady

10. Well there you go.

Well there you go.

11. I feel like this would be more front page worthy if like 6 of them came to life.

I feel like this would be more front page worthy if like 6 of them came to life.

12. Maybe one day they”ll learn how to spell their own state?

Maybe one day they

13. I feel like this is what East Coast city folk think people from the Midwest talk like.

I feel like this is what East Coast city folk think people from the Midwest talk like.

14. You mean the mausoleum in the graveyard? That one has caskets?

You mean the mausoleum in the graveyard? That one has caskets?

15. Nike needs to mind its own business.

Nike needs to mind its own business.

16. Who were they hiring before? Monkey pirates?

Who were they hiring before? Monkey pirates?

17. “That”ll show them.”–Kids


18. Wait, how does age work again?

Wait, how does age work again?

19. Poison?


20. A-Rod is doing retirement right.

A-Rod is doing retirement right.

21. Someone just sat The Winchester Star down to talk the birds and the bees.

Someone just sat The Winchester Star down to talk the birds and the bees.

22. I highly doubt it.

I highly doubt it.

23. The conspiracy gets bigger: studies have shown that 100% of deaths occur after the victims were alive for many hours.

The conspiracy gets bigger: studies have shown that 100% of deaths occur after the victims were alive for many hours.

24. Because mutant turtles eat pizza down there?

Because mutant turtles eat pizza down there?

To make more posts like these, I”ll just create (and keep) my own spelling and grammar flubs. That way, I could write a post listing all the posts I”ve done that have hilariously huge spelling and grammar mistakes… and then that post would have a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. It would be a never ending cycle. Success!

Simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.