Awesome Stuff

This Is What High Schoolers Looked Like In 1969…And It’s Oddly Familiar

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Might likely run into some thing awkward in the event that you looked right back at your high school photos. Some of us were still discovering whom we were in high-school, as there is some self-discovery. It was an awkward time full of puberty, switching bodies and sounds, and evolving world views.

These photographs from a higher school in 1969, once posted in Time mag, are probably super embarrassing for anyone featured included. But they don”t seem past an acceptable limit faraway from exactly how people at this time look. It”s just as if time stood nevertheless…right?

(source Imgur)

I”m sure the folks within these photographs would not need see them once again, but i believe they appear pretty good. All things considered, that”s the reason why these were featured in such a prominent magazine such Time.

Simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.