
This Woman Thinks Its Okay To Inconvenience Disabled People Freaks Out When Caught (VIDEO)

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Joshua Colemans son is disabled and requires a wheelchair for mobility. Consequently, the family has a disabled parking permit they use while out with their child. However, like many who require preferential parking, or love someone who does one becomes extremely sensitive to the lack of mindfulness often paid by able-bodied individuals who use the space illegally.

In the video, Coleman shares:

I use disabled parking for my son who is in a wheelchair. Often times, when I take him to kindergarten there is someone using those spaces who doesnt have a disabled placard or plate. This is one of those days. . .

Coleman then proceeds to take photos of the woman parked in the clearly marked loading zone for the disabled parking place. She was none too pleased with being photographed.


The mother in the vehicle then moved her car and confronted Coleman in front of other parents, and children, entering the school.

[If she] wanted me to move today . . . Get the camera out of my face! . . . she would have asked me to move. All you had to do was say hey maam thats kind of rude, why dont you move? instead of coming up and taking pictures of it. Is that not rude?

The woman then says the area she was occupying was simply a no parking zone, but not a handicapped space and that she parked way over to provide room for anyone in the space. Apparently, she forgot that an image of her parking had been captured, and it is fairly clear that she is in the center of the no parking area, which has a blue curb visibly behind it indicating it is, in fact, part of the disabled parking space.

This mother is also oblivious to the fact that she is very much in the wrong. Someone with the legal permit to use that area of the parking lot should not have to ask a motorist, who is illegally using the space, to move. That negates the entire reason we have specific space for disabled parking.

Watch the entire rant below.

Warning: some language may be considered offensive. Viewer discretion advised (even if this entire performance took place in front of school-aged children).

H/T: Viral Viral Videos | Images via video screen capture


  • This Sickening NRA Propaganda Video Is Why We Cant Have Nice Things Like Gun Laws (VIDEO)

    • wingnutbuster

      I like the middle finger, its like shes predicting how many minutes until the Internet $hitstorm blows appropriately through her insensate life…

      • jan

        … the Internet $hitstorm blows appropriately through her insensate life… Beautifully put like poetry!

        • wingnutbuster

          Like ducks in barrel..but thank you

          • John_Duncan_Yoyo

            When I was a smartass high schooler The response to digitus impudicus was to ask quizzically Mental Age, IQ, Highest-grade level you achieved?? As a smartass adult I just think it.

        • Moik

          Like tears, lost in rain.

        • Tia Maria

          I was thinking the same thing. lol!

      • Kyara Peacock

        You win the internet today, wingnutbuster!

      • John Hoard

        I agree, what a beautiful line. I wish I had said that…the Internet $hi….. Exquisite!

      • Tnedz

        I feel bad for the daughter. I know its hard raising a handicapped child. but its even harder raising a mentally challenged, fouled mouth, narcissistic, parent.

        • IL_JimP

          Thats exactly what I was going to say, that poor girl sitting in that car with her crazy mother.

        • wandakate

          Lets just hope she doesnt pass those traits on…

          • Tia Maria

            I doubt she will. That poor girl was humiliated. Just sad. & the person humiliating & harassing them is the victim of a NO PARKING ZONE!!! Once again, people thinking they are above the law. 2 wrongs dont make a right. They were both wrong & should both be jailed for their offenses. Period.

            • politicalsanity

              The no parking zone is part of the handicapped zone for a reason it gives the person using that handicapped zone space to use their wheelchair slash scooter and actually be able to get out of their car and do business.

            • John Webb

              Wow! Your reasoning skills are seriously damaged. Why do I get the feeling you have parked in a similar fashion?

            • Tia Maria

              awe, did I offend you so much you had my comment removed? LOL!! Titty baby. Dont dish it if you cant take it.

            • androphiles

              Your post is still there. And calling him names says more about you than about him.

            • Tia Maria

              No, it isnt. Clearly you have no idea what im talking about, probably because I wasnt talking to you If youre going to eaves drop, make sure you have all the info, or just mind your business. I call it like I SEE IT. So if the shoe fits.. Im not the one trying to defend someone who needs to be in jail for their actions. Im glad everyones so offended by name calling, as if you never did it. LOL. Get lost, no one likes a hypocrite.

            • Benjamin Dover

              Wow. An imbecile and proud of it. You go, Tia. Wear your ignorance like a badge of honor.

            • Tia Maria

              ignorant? you should look up the meaning of the word, because youll find your picture for sure. Now do what you do best && BEN DOVER

            • Mishi Macabre

              I think that they both could have handled it in better ways. But that women was the only one in the wrong. She was the one doing the illegal activity, he was just calling her out on it. If she would have given a true apology I doubt this video would have went viral.

            • Tia Maria

              She didnt have anything TO apologize for. It was too much for him to ask her to move like a normal person, but didnt have a problem invading her privacy by video taping her MINOR CHILD along with many OTHERS & shes supposed to apologize? Oh, come on!

            • Dot Newkirk

              She was parking ILLEGALLY, he should not have to ask her to do anything, SHE was wrong.

            • Tia Maria

              Oh, I know. When someone does something ILLEGALLY it OK TO DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO THEM.. RIGHT??? lol, Get OUT of here with that. Anyone who thinks they were not both in the wrong are clearly screwed up themselves & making excuses to do douche bag things to people. Sound familiar??

            • Tia Maria

              Anything else you would like to add to that?? We can do this all day.

            • Tia Maria

              Im not an over-sensitive shmuck that cant tell the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RIGHT & WRONG. Get some grips, doll

            • Casey Marion

              Actually, you are.

            • Tia Maria

              Clearly YOU are. Glad I bother you so much that you had to put your 2cents in. Happy to have met your acquaintance. lol

            • Tia Maria

              OK, well I hope youre caught in a situation sometime && someone video tapes you being an idiot bc God knows YOU ARENT PERFECT- & throws it on youtube. Ill make sure they see this post because YOU must have been in the wrong. You said it yourself. Or, should I grovel to your feet because you must be Jesus Christ.

      • William Sullivan

        I especially liked the use of the word insensate.

      • wandakate

        I need those parking spots myself for the scooter that is on the rear of my car. I need the required room for mobility. Several times I have found people that were using them and didnt need to be or people who block my ramp and I have an issue. Once at a cracker barrel and the manager had to go inside and find the owner of the car and he had to stop eating and come out and move his car to another space as he had me blocked in so tight that I could not get the scooter onto the ramp.
        People like this woman are RUDE, and care only for themselves. Showing the middle finger shows what type of person she is (one of those), and she doesnt think about showing any courtesy. She probably doesnt even know what it means. She is a do as I say but not as I do person. Whatever suits her is what she does. Wish instead of taking a picture of the front she would have gotten her tag number and just called the police immediately. Until you hit people like that in their pocketbooks nothing matters.

      • miamisid

        I read your piece several times: really well put.

    • Jamie Acevedo


      • Jeff Miletich

        No, learn not to park in a handicapped spot.

    • Rose Norton

      So, I dont know who she is. Does that mean Ive been missing something?

      • JamieHaman

        Me either, but, you and I both know WHAT she is.

    • John Nott

      I hate unhandicaped people who park in handicapped places. Here in Miami we have an endemic group of people who somehow procure a handicap permit even though they are perfectly healthy, just to abuse those spaces. I think it should be a felony to do so!!!

      • IBK65

        Not all handicaps are obvious. I remind myself that when I see a car with a handicap permit but the LOOK perfectly healthy.

      • Tom

        John, first I am not jumping all over you, I agree wholeheartedly about people who use such a spot and are NOT handicap. I have called the police several times and watched as the officer wrote a ticket. But, please remember that there are people whose handicapped is not visible. My sister has MS and has such a parking tag. She looks and walks normally so you would not know.

        My rule is, no Handicapped plates or anything indicating they are, I call the police.

      • GrrrlYouWereWarnedAbt

        Do you personally know for a fact these people are perfectly healthy or are you going off how they appear to you?
        If I dont have my walker or cane on a day because Im not having a bad flare (I have several auto immune disorders) you wouldnt know how difficult it is for me to walk. My disability isnt visible to people. You have no idea why those people that look healthy have those tags and its not for you or me to judge. Their doctor deemed it was needed and they obtained the paperwork best to worry about those with no tags vs those who have them.

      • Kelly Woodford

        My grandmother looked perfectly healthy but couldnt walk a half a block without getting winded due to losing a lung when she was a child. Its not always obvious. But yeah there are abusers, no doubt.

      • Mia

        I look perfectly healthy but before I got a handicap permit, I often abandoned my cart full of groceries because I have tendonapathy and osteopenia in my legs that makes walking painful. I might look perfectly healthy walking in, but walking out feels like a combination of bare feet against 120 degree asphalt and stepping on legos, and it doesnt go away when I sit down, or even when I lay down. it takes a good 12-18 hours of being off my feet before it goes away… so basically, screw you.

    • Jeff Miletich

      do you know who I am? …yes, youre a fat, lazy piece of inbred white trash!!!

      • JustTheFactsMaam

        Who desperately needs to wear a bra, or, a burlap sack, or, a tent. Something, just cover your disgusting, loud-mouthed, obnoxious self up.

        • Christine Stevenson

          in this case, a muslim burka would be an appropriate solution to her ugliness, both inside and out!

          • Mandi Merlenbach

            Burkas are beautiful, she doesnt deserve to wear one. I think a sack was a better choice since her attitude is so ugly.

          • wandakate

            Beauty is skin deep is it no? She must think shes beautiful outside but inside is another story. Only GOD sees the condition of our hearts. People like her that are so adamant and high strung are the first ones to have heart-attacks from the stress they allow themselves instead of just shutting up and calming down. Not worth it to get your feathers all ruffled up.

          • Lisa Sokol

            Dont forget to add a ball gag underneath the hijab. Maybe not being able to talk will give her time to think instead.

        • Guest

          With stains on the front.

      • Dusty754

        You got that right!

    • RHRing

      I feel sorry for her children.

      • JustTheFactsMaam

        AND her husband!

        • dragontech64

          In most cases, husband and wife are two peas in a pod. I feel sorry for the citizens of the town the infest.

        • Dot

          With her remark about how he should be glad her husband isnt here, I think her husband is probably a jerk too.

        • Cranky Crab

          She looks like she may be her own husband.

    • JustTheFactsMaam

      He should go there every day, because you *know* thats not the first time shes parked her loud, disgusting, fat, VULGAR, self in that spot. Good for him for not backing down, and keeping his cool. Of course, I would have liked to rile her up some more, just to see if her head would explode like in Scanners.

    • Matt

      Name identification followed by termination from job in 3…2…1…

      • pixeloid

        She strikes me as someone without a job living on her husbands money with lots of free time.

    • Jenna McCoy

      I always love having to park in a regular space and getting my wheelchair out and me in it because people are too lazy to walk an extra 30 feet. It makes my day /sarcasm

      • wandakate

        I see people that have no real disability other than the fact that they are obese. They weight 300 + pounds and use wheelchairs b/c they are too big to be mobile. If they moved move they might lose some of the fat that is making them so big to begin with.

    • Milton E. Findley

      It is a $300 dollar ticket here. Call it in, $600 bucks showing there and they like to write them.

    • Cathryn Sykes

      What a real piece of dirt. I feel sorry for the girl with her….her daughter? Having a mother like that must be a constant source of embarrassment.

      • Mandi Merlenbach

        Yeah that poor girl looked like she wanted to disappear.

      • William John Joyce

        the first thing I felt for her child who is clearly embarrassed.I am sure its tough enough to raise a handicapped child and as the gentleman said about asking her to moveI shouldnt have too .My dad has a bad back and a handicapped parking pass which I use when I take him places when there are other spots open,if it is the last spot I WILL NOT take it as my dad can walk and maybe someone a lot worse off than him such as a paralyzed person may need it

        • wandakate

          That is called consideration and having thought of others other than of yourself constantly. Remember: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Our golden rule. And love thy neighbor as thyself…We dont see much of that in todays world do we? Be nice if we could get back to the basics and the good old days where there was some courtesy. I remember when men opened doors for women. Some still do so, but not many.

        • Nonnymouz

          I have been offered a handicapped parking permit because of a chronic illness, and refuse it. I work with people with significant disabilities, and I see what many of the parents of my students have to go through when they need a parking space, especially if their child has a more invisible disability that makes a long walk difficult. My thanks from the parents of my students for being considerate. My friends and I plan for situations so I dont have to worry; if parking is likely to be icky or the area has rough sidewalks (think brick paving or a historical area with cobblestones), they will drop me off near to where we are going to be, then go park and come back to meet me. It works well enough. Really, the only time it hasnt worked was at our school graduation; the teacher entrance is through the loading dock and not accessible. I have to get there early because the security at the auditorium we use wont allow me to enter through the audience entrance early enough to get lined up. Getting there early gets me close enough to avoid the stairs and hills without ramps and railings.

          • Stephen Beard

            I have a handicapped parking permit, secured when I was genuinely handicapped but only needed now when the condition flairs up. I use it at those times, park somewhere else when Im okay

    • dirtydog1776

      All the makings of a Washington politician or bureaucrat.

    • Greg Scott

      Do you know who I am ??! .. we know lady. your family crest is an El Camino driving away from an exploding meth lab.

      • Michele Colette Frazier

        LMAO!! Good one, Greg!

      • Kyara Peacock

        I think I just fell in love with you, Greg Scott!

        • Philip Galindo

          Darn it. I was angling for that privilege!

          • Kyara Peacock


      • Nina Bartoletta

        LMFAO!! That is probably the most accurate assessment anyone could make of that fat nasty old sow!

      • Christine Stevenson

        couldnt have said it better myself. kudos!

      • Cranky Crab

        Epic comment.

      • RideNM

        Hey! Hey! Hey! Dont be ragging on El Caminos. Ms. Sensitivity is in a Nissan.

      • sanduchi

        Big lol.

      • hardwroc

        I like when people respond with a general question to the crowd, this woman doesnt know who she is and is asking me, do any of you know who she is?

      • Jeannie Huff

        I was assuming with a shirt on that says SECURITY on the back her husband is an underemployed bouncer at the local watering hole… so maybe it is a good thing her husband wasnt there… so that s the ever ending answer to do you know who I am … yep a bouncers wife.

    • Bryon Wackwitz

      Its this beast a female of the species?? Looks like some sort of ogre or troll.

      • Robert Johns

        Because the most important aspect of this story was the Womans appearance? Jeez louise crisis central a woman who doesnt look like the American ideal, lets not worry about how her selfish & arrogant attitude caused a disabled person to be hugely inconvenienced, lets just resort to the lowest common denominator. You had the entire English language to use & ample reasons to berate her but you chose her appearance, would it have been okay for her to do what she did if shed been drop-dead gorgeous? Or would that have meant you just had nothing at all to say?

    • Boothby171

      Why do you open with a Scion tB in the spot, but close the video with a Nissan? Which was it?

      • Laurel Sayler

        The Scion clearly has a handicapped license plate and he wasnt talking about that car. The video was about the car next to it that is clearly parked in a no parking zone.

      • Sue Roediger

        The scion was in the handicapped spot the Nissan is in the striped loading area…also illegal. She says she parked way over so a handicapped preson coukd get out. He mentions the need to keep that area clear for the wheelchair.

    • ScottBerfield

      Thats a good way to get a broken finger.

    • Doy Bowers

      All three members of my family have Handicapped parking permits. Depending on what day you catch us on theres times you wouldnt think theres anything wrong with us. I have Degenerative Spinal Stenosis,(I walk with a limp most of the time.) My Wife has Pulmonary Sarcoidosis(The same Respiratory Disease that killed Reggie White and Bernie Mac. Theres times she can barely breath.) and My Daughter had Scoliosis that required complete spinal reconstruction at 14yrs. old.(Her Dr. did such a good job you can barely see the scar even though shes cut from the base of her skull to her tailbone. She has to carry a Dr. Statement so she can get through Metal Detectors on some days she can barely move.) Theres times we look perfectly normal if you didnt know any better. We get DIRTY LOOKS all of the time for parking in the Handicapped Spots even though these people have No Clue whats actually going on!!! So try not to be so judgmental when you see somebody walk right up to a car in the Handicapped Spot like theres nothing wrong because you dont know whats actually going on!!!

      • Sue Roediger

        no worries…you have plates/ heres wishing many good days

        • Doy Bowers


      • Auntie Techy

        I saw a guy in San Francisco wheel up to a handicapped spot in a 100k Mercedes put the placard on his mirror jump out go to the trunk pull out is gym bag and run up 2 flights of stairs to the gym. The gym is all open and windows so I could see him go to town on all the equipment for over an hour disappear into the locker room for about 15 mins and then he bounded down the stairs returned to his car jumped in pulled the placard and drove away. For the life of me I cant figure out what his disability could be. Mental? I wish I was in as good of shape as he was.

        • I_$hOt_Ya

          You have to be mental to sit there send watch him that long

          • BlooSoxx

            Not necessarily, Auntie could have been sitting in the coffee shop across the street. Ordinary sane people do sit down and watch and think. You should try it sometime.

            • I_$hOt_Ya

              Yes im sure. Thats even worse

            • BlooSoxx

              What a strange little view of life you have.

            • I_$hOt_Ya

              I can tell your brain is as blank as your profile pic

        • Doy Bowers

          Those are the ones that make it hard on guys like me!!! Theres always some A-Hole abusing the privilege.

        • bintalshamsa

          I have an incurable bone cancer in my chest, lupus, asthma, Reynauds, and rheumatoid arthritis. On some days I can do things like what you saw that guy doing. It doesnt mean Im not disabled. Id be MORE THAN HAPPY to switch lives with anyone who thinks that having a disabled placard and one or two good days out of a month when I enjoy life like non-disabled people can do anytime they choose is better than no disability and a lifetime of regular parking.

          Seriously, some of yall really need to reassess your values if youre going to spend your time watching people with parking placards and wasting your precious lives speculating on whether or not we truly deserve them. Ill tell ya that if *I* wasnt disabled, I sure as heck wouldnt spend my life watching other people all day. SMH

          • hmc8432

            On the days you can do those things, you can park in a regular parking spot and leave the disabled spot for someone whos not having the good day that you are. Pretty simple. BTW before you judge I also have RA and I have never parked in a spot reserved for the disabled and thanked God that I was still able enough to walk those few extra feet.

            • LauraKY

              And for some people if theyre able to park close to their destination they dont have a problem, but they do if they have to walk a long distance. Try reading The Spoon Theory/You Dont Look Sick.

            • Mia

              same. some days I can make it into the store but I have a hard time making it out. pushing a heavy cart puts strain on my wrists that I cant handle for long, and by the time Im halfway through the store my feet are almost too painful to walk on. if I had to park too far away, before I got my permit, at times Id just have to leave my full cart in the store and go home with no food because I knew Id never make it back out to my car… but to other people I still look fine. I just want to get in the store, get my stuff and get out as fast as possible so I dont have to go straight to bed when I get home.

            • loona_c

              Ask for help from the store to get your groceries to the car.

            • wandakate

              Im wondering why you dont asked the store for assistance?, or go in and ride around in a motorized scooter (like what they have at the Walmart stores). You can also ride the scooter back out to your car. I use one all the time. My knee and my back wont allow me to do all my shopping on my feet, no way.

            • DavidD

              I can still walk too and like to so I park in the regular spot..
              You raised a good point about that and I hadnt thought about it that way but had just been doing it.
              The lady before you raised a good point about being judgemental with out knowing all the facts. This is something I often do so I try to look out for it..
              My grandfather always said Im moving slow but Im moving.Its a drag being crippled up with stuff but you still soldier on with it and have some nice times still
              I can still work in the garden. I just cant do it long and take plenty of rests..

            • Christine Stevenson

              i also have a permit, but if its a good day without much pain, i will leave the spot for someone who needs it more. but dont forget, it is also my choice to do that. i have every right to park there on a good day or a bad day.

              so, it is really not up to anyone to cast judgement. good for you and your choices, seriously. but dont condemn anyone who might not agree. as people with disabilities whatever the type, we all have the same rights and if anything, we should stick together, instead of feeling superior to someone else, who may or may not be having a good or bad day.

              how does anyone really know if it is good or bad anyway? are people supposed to ask them and then berate them for not being disabled enough on a particular day? if one has a permit, then that individual is entitled to that spot whatever the case. so in a sense you are being the judge that you ask others not to be. a wee bit hypocritical wouldnt you say? JMHO

            • hmc8432

              I read each comment in this particular string and found none casting judgement or condemning; merely people sharing their own experiences and thoughts. If you read judgement or condemnation, you read something that I did not. So no, I do not think I was being hypocritical in any sense of the word.

            • Ron Bo

              On the days you can do those things, you can park in a regular parking
              spot and leave the disabled spot for someone whos not having the good
              day that you are. Nobody except you. Youre quick to judge someone with a disability. If they are feeling good when they roll up to the store, then heck, they should feel good a couple of hours later after being on their feet pushing a cart around.

              Youre both dumb and a hypocrite.

            • Christine Stevenson

              thank you! i am so glad someone got it. it is generally those that feel superior in some way, that always miss the point being made. people will always say not being judgemental here but….. and as soon as you read those very words, you know that they are about to judge.

            • hmc8432

              . . . and its generally those who have a guilty conscience that are quick to call someone else names. How often have you used the disabled designated parking even when youre having a good day just so you dont have to park 2 spots away because hey, you have the placard so its your right. Dont judge until youve taken a good hard look at yourself.

            • Christine Stevenson

              oh please, really? thats the best you can do? why should i have a guilty conscious about whether i use a spot or not you have no clue about what i am or what my disability is. so yeah, you are being judgmental. so now you sit back and accuse me of name calling. where did i call you a name?

              did you even read my comment before you accused me of a guilty conscience? i will quote myself so maybe you might get it this time,
              i also have a permit, but if its a good day without much pain, i will leave the spot for someone who needs it more.
              or did you skip that part, so you fire off a judgmental reply? i dont have anymore time to waste on you, you are one of those people that just has to be right, so there is no way to communicate rationally with you. i am just done debating the issue with you, its pointless.

              so missy miss, you just go ahead and comment away until your head spins off, im done.

            • Christine Stevenson

              you need to re-read your comment then. because simply by saying:
              On the days you can do those things, you can park in a regular parking spot and leave the disabled spot for someone whos not having the good day that you are.

              while i understand the basic thought behind your statement, as i will do the same from time to time, it comes off in a rather pretentious and assuming tone.

              how is one to know that the person who uses the spot, is having a good or bad day? unless you can read their minds, then you would be judging that individual. so they have no trouble moving to the store on their own, does that mean they are not in pain, that they may not have a spell? does it mean they may not need to use the stores available scooter when the get inside? what if they are having trouble while in the store or whatever establishment they are in while they do business?
              so unless you read minds, follow that person, watch every move they make or ask the person directly about their coping skills on that particular day, (i can only imagine how that would go over), you are being judgmental by assuming a good day vs. bad day scenario. and simply by stating that you NEVER use a spot, you come off sounding superior and holier than thou and that you are better for it, because you have done someone a huge favour in your mind.

            • Maurice E. Gilbert Sr.

              I seriously doubt they just stand around watching those spots thats what those of us who write tickets are for; I suspect this all started over a disabled person not being able to park because the lady was in the space illegally; at least thats what I thought I read!

            • Bob Halstead

              I think anybody who gets a disabled placard or license plate deserves to park in those spots on their good days or bad days. I would never lower myself to judge another disabled person as I have no idea what their disability is or how much they have been tortured by it…

            • http://www.youtube.com/hutchfromba Jerry aka HUTCHfromBA

              Bob I am the same as you but she has no placard or HC licence plate. Her son is not disabled and neither is she.

            • loona_c

              I agree. I have MS and some days are better than others. I prefer to park in non-handicapped spaces. (Extra exercise!) And do, when Im feeling good. But being sensitive to the handicap issue I will defer to those MORE handicapped. I use a cane and have given up MY handicap seat on the bus, when seemingly healthier people dont.

          • wandakate

            I, as a Christian wish that you didnt have all that wrong with you and I hope that in the future you will certainly have more good days than bad days and will be able to have a good spot when you need one.

        • Dot

          Some people are rude and use a handicap placard that belongs to a family member, but most of us do not. My husband has one, and he doesnt look all that disabled, except on the those days he needs a cane. He doesnt need one everyday, but thats because he is having a good day. He still uses the handicap spot, so it can continue being a good day and he doesnt get tired. When Im driving the car alone, I never park in a handicap spot, because Im not handicapped, and I could use the walk. I think I also appreciate the fact that I can park far away and walk, after seeing my husband struggle with walking.

        • amosnme

          Thats when you call the police and let them sort it out. Frequently, the police cant or wont do anything about it because they consider everything but the street a private parking lot. That law is in the process of being changed. If a store is open to the public, the parking spots are too. I got a $250 ticket for parking in a handicap spot and I have handicap plates, a handicap placard and one leg. Needless to say, I won that round, but it happens every day. Dont give in. Take a picture of the driver, the license plates and everything you can. It doesnt always help, but the one time it does makes it all worth it.

          • Ianto Jones

            I am in a powerchair. My van has plates and I *still* hang my hang-tag (paranoia).
            *I* got a ticket (At a pay lot across the street from a San Jose, CA convention) for parking in a handicap spot.
            I contested it, and provided copies of my DMV paperwork and placard.
            First the SJPD denied receiving my mailed documentation, so I paid to fax it.
            They still didnt receive it despite a confirmation , so I drove down there and swore out a statement, while physically handing them copies of the paperwork.

            They said it was handled.
            Then when I received my vans renewal paperwork from DMV, there was an additional nearly $600 (so, nearly $800 instead of nearly $200) for the ticket.
            I called to find out WTH and was told the sworn statement and physically-handed-in documents werent processed til two days after my 30-day window to contest the ticket had expired.
            I pointed out that this made no sense, as they were provided in person before that.

            And that time frame or no, Id demonstrated my legal right to park in the spot Id been ticketed for using.

            I was informed that there was no way to protest, three levels of supervisors laughed at or derided me, and I was told that there is no chance to speak to a judge/go to traffic court for parking violations the only opportunity for defense is the sworn statement, and mine had been denied.

            Despite all involved agreeing that the ticket shouldnt have been written (I was a handicapped person with a valid placard in a handicapped spot), once it *was* written, they just wanted their money and could not have cared less.

            And the insult-to-injury was Id paid $20 for the privilege of parking in the first place to leave the street parking clear for others who might need it more (Im one who parks a bit further away, because while I need a blue space to unload my chair, it doesnt mind a bit longer trek to my destination ).

            And the ticket cost dang near half my monthly income which had rather severe ripples for basically the rest of that year (this was three years ago now).

            /end rant

            • amosnme

              I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I am having a parking issue now and am working with the Human Rights Commission in my state, but that is not a quick fix. I hope that laws will be changed to accommodate the disabled, especially when someone tries as hard as you have. It doesnt seem as though the police care about someone with no proof on their car that they shouldnt be parked there, but legitimate handicapped people get screwed. I have always wondered how it would be treated if we went to the media.

            • amosnme

              That really sucks. The Human Rights Commission would probably be a lot of help in your situation.

        • Douglas E. Berry

          Im a cancer and stroke survivor with peripheral neuropathy in both legs. This all means that it is painful for me to walk or stand for any length of time. I normally walk with a cane for balance.

          But when I go to the YMCA, I leave the cane at home, and all my exercises and either in the pool or done seated.

          Being a SFBA resident myself, if you suspect fraudulent use of a disabled placard, take a picture and report it to the authorities.

        • Guest40

          maybe you should mind your own business. I suppose you look in peoples shopping carts and suck your teeth while they use SNAP cards too?
          Why not just be happy that youre healthy and not worry about what others are doing?

        • Bob Halstead

          I was taught not to judge others unless I walked a mile in their shoes I am disabled and most of the time nobody could tell from looking at me walking to or from my car. I get dirty looks sometimes, but I would gladly trade my disability away if I could.

        • wandakate

          Maybe he stole the placard cause he likes to park up front and be closer so it saves him some time getting in and out of the gym. Makes sense to me. Why didnt you report him and have it investigated?

        • Auntie Techy

          heres an update saw that guy again and I was leaving the office to go to lunch saw a meter maid told her my story and she said shed check to see if the placard was valid, two days later saw the same meter maid and asked her about it she told me it was his mothers and it was confiscated because she died last year and he was fined, sometimes when it smells rotten it is.

      • Paul Werkmeister

        I guess you missed the entire point of this. SHe wasnt parked in a handicap spot. She was parked in the area next to one designated No Parking for access. Before going off, try actually watching the clip

        • Sue

          Which is where the handicapped person gets out of the car, so she is limiting their access to the handicap space and parking illegally.

      • funkytown

        If you have a placard or handicapped license there is no reason for anyone to question you, no matter if your handicap is visible or not! But if you dont have any placard or license plate to justify parking there….DONT PARK THERE! Whats so hard to understand?

        • amosnme

          Ask that question to the police. They dont understand that part of their job is to monitor these issuesand they dont care.

      • UrBear

        My standard reply to those who suggest that the owner of the placard somehow doesnt deserve to park in the handicapped space: Not all disabilities are visible. Most people who look at you, for example, would think that you had a brain.

      • Willow911

        I believe in this case, the only handicap this woman has is stupidity. And you are correct, there are debilitating handicaps that arent visible, so judging isnt anyones place (as long as the appropriate documentation (i.e. placard) is on your vehicle. God bless you and your family!

      • ashlayne

        This isnt about the woman in the video parking in a handicapped space; its about her parking illegally in a clearly-marked-off space next to a handicapped space, which Im betting anyone with a handicapped sticker wouldnt do even if no other handicapped spaces were available.

      • wandakate

        I actually have raised an eyebrow a few times for that very reason, so thanks for reminding me that I dont know their condition and they may actually have a disability that I cant visibly see.

    • Alison Scott

      Cops wife?

      • Beth M Downs

        Cops wives are 9 times out of 10 total c*nts. Ive dealt with one in a situation like this. They abuse their power JUST like their cop husbands probably do.

        • frumplife

          I know one who carries a mini-badge with her husbands number on it. They are much worse than real cops.

        • Beth

          I have been married to a cop for 36 years and have never used his job for advantage or power. Just remember it takes one to know one, c*nt.

          • JamieHaman

            Beth M Downs did say 9 times out of 10, a lot different from saying every single cops wives….feeling a little defensive there Beth?

          • CatherineElliott

            Wow, Beth nice language for a cops wife.

          • Cranky Crab

            Way to confirm her theory, cooze.

    • skeptic aka kafir

      thats a woman?

    • Stefani Pineda

      Just keeping it classy…

    • Laurie Neufeld

      And the daughter is sitting there saying, Mooooommm, youre embarrassing me! What a piece of trash.

    • DonkeyOK

      She could clearly use the exercise that walking a little more from a more distant parking spot would provide her. But Im afraid theres noting she can do about being so stupid … and ugly.

    • Mark Rosen

      Wow, she illegally parks in a disabled parking space, then threatens the person that actually needs that disabled parking space. What a poor excuse for a human being. She needs a serious attitude adjustment. Im sure its on the way. Internet, do your thing. lol

    • Aroha

      OK …nuff said . She was totally in the wrong .
      Just remember her daughter may be reading this .
      Comments about peoples appearance are not at all classy either .

      • That Falin Woman

        I have to agree with you, Aroha. Ive been reading these comments and have become more and more disgusted with the people who comment.

        A persons size, looks and dress have NOTHING to do with their personality flaws. No one is so perfectly beautiful they are above the same kind of criticism. Shes a jerk, and a loud obnoxious one at that.

        But calling her fat and ugly and criticizing her clothing does not make HER look worse. Please learn. Thank you.

        • Cranky Crab

          Shes fat, ugly and repulsive.

      • Cranky Crab

        Awwww. Here, let me tune up my tiny violin for her.

    • Linda Martin

      Shes so charming and she buys her T-shirts from Omar the Tent maker.

      • Robert Johns

        Because her appearance is the reason this happened right? For goodness sake please put the few working brain cells you have to better use, how she looks has nothing to do with it, she was arrogant, rude, self-entitled & clearly thinks she deserves special treatment even though she inconvenienced a disabled person the parking spot was clearly identified as being provided for, had she been a slim, beautiful woman would that have made her actions any better, or more palatable? All you demonstrated was your own lack of depth with this post.

        • kwkurtz44

          Actually Robert, being fat and unkempt (I am fat myself) and having no pride in your appearance is often an indication of the type of personality you have. But I have also seen a 22 year old blond bimbo, in a pink BMW convertible with vanity plates Princess, park in a handicapped spot at the theater and just sprint in to the theater, like she was so entitled to that spot. I turned her in, but the management refused to do anything, because they dont want to piss off their customers.(Poor decision on managements part I think,)

          • Robert Johns

            You seem to disagree but then go on to tell a story that proves my point, perhaps try making your mind up what you want to say first, or at least tell a story that more aptly fits your argument rather than wholly contradicts it.

          • Mr Sir

            You shouldve just called the cops.

    • 2TallTim

      She pulled the You know who I am? BS. Okay, if her husband is a cop go to his superiors with this video, embarrass him into teaching her how to behave in society. Take this vid to a tv station news department.

      I dont have a handicap permit even though I am eligible. I have to open my car door all the way to have plenty of room to maneuver cram myself into, and climb my way out of my car. Ive had to adapt the interior of my car to accommodate the extra length of my body. I have aching joints and spine from a developing arthritic condition. If I cant park on the end of a row, where no other car is going to park next to my driver door, I drive around the side of the store, or even behind, to find a spot where its at least unlikely someone will park too near to my driver door. I would feel uncomfortable taking up a spot a wheelchair, or crutch user, etc., might need. You know, when its raining it would really be nice to not have to walk all the way behind a store to get to the car, but it doesnt rain that often.
      (lately, Ive been going to stores at night when there is not as many people.)

    • Steven

      Scooter trash mama is such a good representative of the great state of Tennessee…

    • Robert Johns

      It isnt rude to bring the rudeness of others to their attention.

    • Jacob Chernov

      I myself being disabled from a car accident 3 years ago have a disabled permit. There are days I use the disabled parking and days that I dont. Some days are good, some days are bad. I walk with a cane, but this has just been in the last 8 months give or take between having 5 surgeries on my femur to repair the damage. I cant stand people who park in the disabled parking without the need for it. I wish the laws were stronger in most states. Not being fully disabled but being limited does make you really aware of crap like this. There was a time in my life I wasnt aware of stuff like this and didnt pay attention, but having a life change makes you more aware of things going on around you that is for sure. People like this lady need to be outed and Im glad this person did. I hope she feels a good amount of shame from this, but Im sure she wont.

    • William Donelson

      Tennessee. Yep.

    • James Moore

      Shoulda just slashed her tires.

    • IvanN5

      isnt illegal show the number of the plate?

      • Stuart Hamilton


    • Carl

      So who is her husband?

    • Doc Bruce

      I felt sorry for her daughter. The poor kid looks mortified throughout the entire ordeal.

    • talmont

      Man: I could show the picture to the cops and you would get a ticket.
      Perp: Wouldnt be the first time.

      And as to why no one asked you to move? Beyond the answer of I shouldnt have to .. ? You just showed you have a temper, that is a good way to get into a fight or worse.
      Lady, follow the law and stop the therapy bill the teenage child with you will obviously need.

    • Tina

      Its terrible that her daughter had to be subjected to this. I can not even believe this woman thinks its the disabled persons job to ask her to move. I have a friend that is severely disabled and we run in to the same issue a lot. Cars parked in the spot without a disabled plate or placard. I did ask someone to move once so I could help my friend with her wheelchair and she told me to mind my own business. So, I took pictures of her, her vehicle and license plates and called the police. They said they would send her a ticket since she left before the officer arrived. I do realize there are people who use other peoples placards to abuse the privilege and they too should be ticketed. If they get caught they can lose the placard, but the sad part is, the placard belongs to someone who needs it and who knows if they really gave the person using it permission to take it.

    • Young American

      I feel bad for her child…

    • Disposal mind

      Thats a woman? Looks like a Sasquatch.

    • Dot

      So she responds with been there done that when he says the police will give her a ticket? I wonder how often she parks in no parking zones. Maybe she needs to park in a legal spot and do a bit more walking. She could use it.

    • Stuart Hamilton

      If she had just apologized, recognized her offense, and moved her vehicle without the rudeness it wouldve gone much better for her.

      I mean, I confess, Im guilty of parking in adjacent reserved parking just like that, but I dont defend the action.

    • Elizabeth

      She reacted strongly because she was embarrassed, no doubt, to have been so obviously caught.

    • Tony Coletta

      Be smart and call 911, on this type of low life.Cops love a mouthy people, Good for target practice.

    • Kiltedbear

      My doctor had me use a handicapped placard for about 6 months when I had severe hip issues because where I was working, from the normal parking lot it was a mile walk to the building. One time I was getting out of my car at the grocery store and the placard was in plain sight, but yet I was cussed at from a distance because I didnt look obviously disabled. Some people have legitimate gripes, but others need to get a grip and realize that being disabled isnt always something easily seen.

    • ScottInClearwater

      Does anyone know who she is? Personally, Id love to know.

    • circeherbivora

      My heart breaks that for her elementary-school-aged child. Because mama cannot control herself and is prone to tantrums, she might be yanked from her school and any friends that she has. Its so unfair, poor kid! Mother needs a serious lesson on how to FUNCTION in polite society!

    • frumplife

      All I keep thinking is, how a bra with good support could really help this woman.

    • DPepp

      Did you notice her own child during all this? This ignorant, hateful woman can expect her daughter to leave home at the earliest possible moment.

    • Guest

      Anothe example of the It is all about me, the rules dont apply to me or I get to unilaterally pick n choose which rules apply to me and when mentality that seems to have proliferated in US society much more in the past 10 or so years.

      As a lawyer, we see it across the board: tax law, traffic law, drug law consumer or envrionmental protection. The logical extension of this is anarchy: if we accept the premise that individual members of society get to opt out of compliance, then so do I and other members of society.

      So the next time she parks in the disabled spot, some one drills her with a .44 ? Once we accept the premise that compliance is voluntary and individual members get to make unilateral choices about complaince, on what principled basis do we draw the enforcemt line ?en

      Sorry Mr. Tony Smith, your veiw has been rejected by numerous legislative enactments at statehouses and in Congress. Apparently we have learned that in order to get along, provide a sane society and level the playing field a bit, it is about us and not me. I spend a lot of time in Albert and BC and the collective attitude up there stands in stark contrast to the me first, screw you attitude we see here in the states

    • http://www.cossittlaw.com/ Jim Cossitt

      Anothe example of the It is all about me, the rules dont apply to me or I get to unilaterally pick n choose which rules apply to me and when mentality that seems to have proliferated in US society much more in the past 10 or so years.

      As a lawyer, we see it across the board: tax law, traffic law, drug law consumer or envrionmental protection. The logical extension of this is anarchy: if we accept the premise that individual members of society get to opt out of compliance, then so do I and other members of society.

      So the next time she parks in the disabled spot, some one drills her with a .44 ? Once we accept the premise that compliance is voluntary and individual members get to make unilateral choices about complaince, on what principled basis do we draw the enforcemt line ?en

      I spend a lot of time in Alberta and BC and the collective attitude up north stands in stark contrast to the me first, screw you attitude we see here in the states

      • JamieHaman

        This has been going on for a lot longer than 10 years. We just see a lot more of it because now it can be posted to the Net.
        I think they are a lot nicer in Canada because they dont have an infestation of Corporations who are people.

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    • drichards1953

      Tennessee driver … why does that not surprise me. Living in Knoxville, TN I can assure readers of this blog this is very common. One of the major problems here in Knoxville is the police are reluctant to enforce the disabled parking laws on private property. The fine is rather substantial and escalates with each additional violation. The fine starts at $200. Some of the stores such as WalMart have made it clear they do not want enforcement of such laws because it might offend a paying customer. Sorry, but a person with a disability is a paying customer too! The City of Knoxville could easily solve some of its financial problems if they enforce the disabled parking laws on a regular basis. Target does have the law enforced, when requested. As a person who has a mobility impairment. I depend on the disabled parking space to be able not only to shop, but to conduct business. Unlike the stereotype some Tea Party types like to believe, I do work, I own my own business, and I likely pay more taxes than they do. As with most people, that have a disability, I know, I try to live in spite of my disability, not because of it.

    • Echo Moon

      i like the ones with the handicap tags who park in handicap spaces and while the handicapped person sits in the vehicle with the motor running while their passenger runs into the store to pick something up.

      • kwkurtz44

        I have mixed feelings about that, it depends on the individual situation. I have been guilty of that one more than once, I figure if they are good enough to haul my butt around, and there is no convenient parking spot, and they are doing something for me like picking up a prescription or something. I guess you just have to use your own sense of what is right and wrong.

        I do think that part of the problem is that many Drs. just fill out the form for people that dont really need it.

        • Echo Moon

          if the person doing the errand is not disabled and is the one getting out? then honestly you shouldnt park in a handicap spot.
          there are been many times i have not been able to park in one because someone is sitting in it waiting on an a non-handicapped person.
          NH has a good law. if you have a handicap tag, are in a handicap parking spot, the handicapped person had better be with you. if not you get a ticket with a big fine attached and you lose your tag.

    • kim dyer

      One day fate may give her a legal reason to use the handicapped spot.

    • Naxx1978

      I really thought people knew how pathetic they sound when they say do you know who I am? Lol

    • VeteranMom

      Every day, at every school my kids have ever attended, the handicapped spots and the loading zones fill up with parents waiting to pick up their precious snowflakes after school. Not a handicapped placard to be seen, except for mine. And no, they do not politely move their car if asked.

    • 1rdd

      I feel sorry for the girl in the passenger seat who is probably saying, Oh no, not again. MOM!!! I told you not to park here. This is so embarrassing!!! This is why I dont want to go anywhere with you Im shocked that its a woman because, by just looking at the face of the still picture, it (she) looks like a dude.

    • Humma Kavula

      And shell be among those demanding those corpses controlling both chambers of Congress repeal the laws which brought handicap parking spaces into being.

    • Stacy

      This is so familiar. I was walking my dog and found that this woman was always in her open window in a robe and smoking/eating. I could see her husband down a beer. Staring is one of my #1 pet peeves. So one day I took out my camera. I got a photo of a very bewildered woman smoking in a pink robe leaned half out her window. When she confronted me I told her it was legal to take photos. When she confronted the manager of the place she also said the same thing. This woman ended up putting black film up to her windows and kept them closed. I was ok with that. Maybe my social skills are a bit off but it worked well.

      Cameras are the most powerful weapon.

      • Mia

        I dont understand how this story is connected to the one of an able-bodied person parking in a disabled space..

    • Fred Reames

      Every disability cant be seen. In this case she is mentally handicapped. (sarcasm).

    • DD1946

      marked no parking with the curb painted blue. it really couldnt get more obvious than that.

    • appalled_by_religions

      What a rude B/#@h

    • Tri Light Sunset Stars

      I worked w/ a child who was in a wheel chair. It really bugged me when people would either park in handicap w/out having a permit or would park so close to the car that I couldnt get him in. I would have to leave him in front of a car that is parked next to us and pull the car out enough to get him in. Believe me, it wasnt fun for him, especially in the winter.

    • kwkurtz44

      WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! You should always care about your fellow human beings. I have a placard, I have heart disease, have had a double bypass, and valve replacement surgery and in addition have sever arthritis in my knees. On my good days I dont always look like I need the spot, but, as many have mentioned on here, by the time you are finished shopping you get too tired to walk back to the car. However, I gladly give up my spot to someone who needs it more, and often do not use it. I also am amazed about how inconsiderate some people that are borderline handicapped are, they use mobility carts (which are not supposed to be removed from the store) and leave them in the parking lots, on, so the batteries run down. If you can make it in to get the mobility scooter, you can take it back, simple as that. Also plug the damn thing in, so the next person does not get a dead one. GEE! When did people get so self centered and rude?

      • funkytown

        I agree with everything you just said! I am ashamed that I hadnt thought of turning it off when I get out of it to save on the battery so thanks for the tip. I will do so from now on.:) However, I disagree with you saying that if you made it in to get the scooter, you can take it back. If I go to the grocery store alone….it is out of desperation because my daughter (for whatever reason) is not available to help me. Thankfully this does not happen very often and she takes the cart back for me. Usually a store bagger person will help me out to my car and they drive it back when that happens. But every so often…even that is not a sure thing and I have to leave it out in the parking lot. From now on I will turn it off to try to save the battery. Please do not judge me for leaving it out in the parking lot those few times I do…..my grocery store has people who checks the parking lot every half hour for the carts and as a chronic pain sufferer, every step I take is a gamble with a bad fall.

    • Maurice E. Gilbert Sr.

      First off, she is absolutely WRONG; the access aisle with stripes (and, often says no parking) is PART of the Disabled Parking Space; in my state, parking in the access aisle can carry a still penalty….For purposes of this section, a parking space includes any adjacent access aisle as described in ORS 447.233 (Accessible parking space requirements)
      Also, for those that think I can stop in this spot for a second or two, again youre absolutely WRONG; by law, youre not even allowed to think about entering the space!

      My qualifications: 8 years with local police and 7 years with county sheriff: writing tickets to those who choose to illegally park!!

    • BillO

      Shes a real piece of work. Every parent there was probably pleased she asked to remove her child from the school. No use in having their children exposed to this womans evil spawn as her habits no doubt rub off on them. That spot didnt say No parking unless youre only going to be a few moments. It said NO PARKING, and how difficult is that to understand? Unless youre a toothless low-end-of-the-gene-pool type.

    • sockbunny08

      Gosh I feel sorry for her child or children.

    • http://www.SanDiegoHighwayman.com thehighwayman

      I feel sorry for the daughter who has a shitbag for a mother! You see the poor kids face? :(

    • http://www.SanDiegoHighwayman.com thehighwayman

      GOOD job postin the idiots licence # :) She should get a wake up visit from some LEOs who can set her warped mind straight AND and expensive ticket!

    • Jamie Quinones

      That high strung cow has all the emotional stability of a bag of rats in a burning meth lab.

    • TheTick900

      Do you know who I am??!!! Uhh, Rosie O Donnell? Rosanne Barr??? Or perhaps you are a moronic, psychotic old lady that does not know how to park a car?

    • http://www.SanDiegoHighwayman.com thehighwayman

      feel sorry for the young girl who has this POS for a mother :(

    • Nancy Waites

      Her children must be very proud.

    • davideartman

      Wait. What? That makes no sense. Why would your friend put up a placard if she parked in an ordinary spot? (Not that the other lady makes any sense either)

    • leftofabbie

      Where she was parked is a $375 ticket in Washington state. I certainly hope theyre equally as expensive in Tennessee. And they cannot be reduced to a lower amount, either!

    • Teva Bruce

      Hideous..awful GRONK!

    • HoosierMommy

      Oh, gee, and with her daughter in the car with her. Great example, Mom!

    • http://www.facebook.com/King.Robert.of.Kenwood King Robert

      A fine representative of the Rightwing Republicans 8|

    • amosnme

      It doesnt work that way. If you dont care, you will get screwed right down into the pavement.

      • Clare

        Lifes too short to get so friggin worked up over some idiot who is inconsiderate. If you know you are entitled to park in a handicapped space because you have a placard or a license plate allowing it, why the heck do you care? Move on, for goodness sake.

        • Skeptique

          I thought the point of this thing was that the person in the video, who wasnt so entitled, was preventing someone who had the placard from using the space. It goes beyond merely being inconsiderate, because when people with significant handicaps do not have access to the space, sometimes it means they do not have access to the place theyre going to, which can be school, a doctors office, a public building where they must, for example, contest a ticket they were given erroneously, and so forth. I know that my mother, who suffers from crippling arthritis pain, would skip doing a nonessential task if she couldnt park in a handicapped space because the pain shed experience walking even a short distance farther would be too much. So… yeah, its worth getting worked up over, if only so that the inconsiderate idiot maybe thinks twice next time.

        • amosnme

          How can you, or someone else, not care if it is an extremely difficult trip to wherever from a non-handicap spot? Just because you have the plates or the placard doesnt mean you get a handicap spot when someone who doesnt have proof and doesnt need it is parked there. Obviously, you dont need to worry about it, but some day you might have bad hips, be in a wheelchair that has to be loaded and unloaded, a bad heart or lungs, etc. If you dont understand now how difficult it can be to get around, I guarantee you will understand it then. You blow it off now, but some day it might be you or someone you love fighting to survive and making life a little easier.

          • Clare

            Hey, if you are happy being mad all the time then go with it! I prefer my blood pressure to remain normal.

            • amosnme

              I doubt if anything on you is normal. What good does it do to have a placard hanging in your window if a bunch of totally inconsiderate people who are not disabled park in those spots? The placard could hang there forever and never be able to be used. Does that help the disabled person? Should that person find another parking spot that is not for disabled people and much further away and be happy because they have the placard. There is a big difference between having it and being able to use it.

    • KaiDigo

      … thats a female. in what Universe?

    • Blackest Noobs

      who wanna bet the lady votes republican?

      theres no doubt in my mind.

    • Ellen Sandbeck

      I knew someone who had cards printed up for special occasions like this. Hed put them under the windshield wipers of cars parked illegally in parking spots reserved for people with physical disabilities: Are you mentally or morally disabled?

    • Swede760

      She showed her IQ with that Finger! Some people should just be Slapped!

    • Guest40

      very funny video until you consider the impact on the teenage daughter caught in the crossfire.
      No one was thinking about the children surrounding them as this all went down.

    • Michelle Higgins

      I hope the karma bus runs over this white-trash insensitive cow.

    • Fields82

      Men. This guy kinda is an idiot

      • Sue Roediger

        he has a kid in a wheelchair…he needs that spot and the loading area…..he was just at his wits end. I reported my doctor for the same thing- parking in the loading area. it is just not right

    • SpiritOnParole

      It is my deep hope that this poor woman suffers an issue that allows her to use the handicapped spots for the rest of her life… since that seems to be what she wants.

    • MoMo

      I feel so sorry for the youth she is delivering to school! Is this her daughter? What a horrible role model for any young person!

    • Thomas Aquinas

      Ahh ignorance in its purest form.

      Not that handicap space shamers are always in the right, mind you.

      I have a handicap placard because I lost my left leg (below the knee) in a non-combat related incident in the military. Im generally healthy. I go to the gym. I have a professional job. But walking for extended periods of time hurts. And when that hurt gets bad enough, then its just me trying to drag a big chunk of medical grade plastic with my remaining three limbs.

      I would probably need both hands to count the number of times Ive been approached by people accusing me of using my grandfathers placard since I also have veteran plates. Ive had my photo taken with cell phones. Ive had the police show up. Ive had the police force me to not only show them my placard and wallet ID card but then go through a rigorous verification process where they make me wait (the last few times, I rolled up my pant leg, removed my prosthetic and handed it to the officer. They typically let me go at that point).

    • Geoclac

      Well, dont you know, she is more important than everyone else?

    • Lynn Janczak

      The punishment should be a $1000 fine and a MONTH of getting around ONLY in a Wheelchair. HANDCUFFED BY HER FEET TO IT FOR ONE MONTH! (Do you know who I am? SERIOUSLY??? Two retorts for that disgusting statement: (1) Well, I KNOW youre not Reese Witherspoon. or (2) Excuse me everyone…apparently this obnoxious woman doesnt know who she is…can anybody advise her?)

    • Dawn BoiPaws

      People also dont realize that the No Parking area to the side of the Handicap space is there so people with wheel chair accessible vans with doors that open on the side, leaves enough room between the handicap vehicle and the regular parking space for the ramp and wheel chair. This woman, and everyone like her is absolutely wrong and the fines should be much higher.

    • Margie Cook

      I used to have a handicap parking permit from having multiple surgeries on my feet. When I would use it, I would purposefully limp because I could see people watching me and judging me.

      I am grateful that my disability was temporary. There are times at the grocery store when the regular lot is full, but there are 10 or 15 handicap spaces that are open. They have three long rows of handicap spaces, and it is at that time when I am tempted to use my old permit anyway. But I would never, ever, park in a handicap space if space was limited.

      I could, at times, walk or run into a business, but then when I was done, Id be wincing in pain and barely able to get back to my car. Yet sometimes its still hard not to judge others for using a permit, and then running full throttle into a business.

    • http://www.youtube.com/hutchfromba Jerry aka HUTCHfromBA

      People can be so inconsiderate . The Lady who parked illegally should go to jail.

    • Phillip Marsh

      Dont you love it how when he states that if he calls the police and shows them the photo that she will be given a ticket for parking in a handicapped spot she says, Been there, done that before.

      So she is boasting that she has gotten a ticket before to parking in a handicapped spot?????

      There is a 4 letter word, beginning the with the letter C, that describes this woman perfectly! You can also hear a song that could have been written for her on YouTube by Kat McSnatch … the name of the song is also a 4 letter word beginning with C.

      They should pull her license for at least 6 months!

    • Ge Pop

      Do you know who I am? If you have to ask, then youre not anybody, maam.

    • http://theinsaneartist.deviantart.com/ theInsaneArtist

      Its not kinda rude, lady, its illegal.

    • Jason Reignbeaux

      Woman to principal: I want my kid out of this school!
      Principal: Well be happy to take her out.

      Not the response she wanted.

      By the way, Why would some guy catching her parking illegally warrant her wanting to remove her child from the school??

    • loona_c

      And she drives a Rogue!

    • Jason Waters

      Im of two minds on this. Yes we should have plenty of handicapped parking, but most of it goes utterly unused 95 percent of the time, and when it is used, half the time its by someone who isnt actually handicapped, they just happen to have the tag for whatever reason. Beyond that though, since when does being handicapped mean you cant be slightly inconvenienced from time to time? Gee you had to wait a few minutes to find a parking spot, welcome to the how the rest of the world lives all the time. Perhaps instead of making a big deal out of it, you could realize that youre not the center of the universe and just wait a minute like everyone else.

      • Sue Roediger

        handicapped spots are for handicapped people. the fine for using someone elses card is hefty. If all the handicapped spaces are full with car with plates or placards…fine. When a car is parked there illegally… it is not a mere inconvenience. If the handicapped person happens to be the passenger and has a wheelchair that loading space is essential. Furthermore it is unlikely the wait would be a minute. Your glib remark about how the rest of the world lives all the time would be funny if it wasnt a reflection of how little you know about the way a handicapped person lives all the time. Seriously.. pray you never find out.

        • Jason Waters

          First off you humorless hag, my glib remarks are always funny. Secondly, dont pretend like your the only one whos ever had a family member who was in a wheelchair. My father spent the last 5 years of his life in wheelchairs and hospital beds after a stroke, not to mention my cousin with cerebral palsy who refused his handicapped placard because he doesnt believe in it. Sorry, but no matter what you say a lack of open handicapped spaces is nothing more than an inconvenience. How many places have you honestly been in your entire life where there wasnt a dozen or more open parking spaces somewhere in the lot? Ill bet its no more than a handful, and they were probably all sporting events which is a parking nightmare no matter who you are. Pardon me if I dont shed a tear for the one time in your life that you had to park a little further from the door.

          • Sue Roediger

            I live in a suburb of Los Angeles ……There are almost never open handicapped spaces I use a walker, my sister has MS, her mother-in-law is an amputee….We often have to drive around, or wait or block traffic to drop someone off. It is not about being close to the door for us it is about the space needed to open the door to accommodate the wheelchair. although a really long walk is a challenge for me because of the post surgical pain. I have never encountered anyone else with so little empathy for others.
            If those glib remarks are typical .. I hate to tell ya…. they aint so funny/

    • Raji the Green Witch

      those diagonal lines are intended to be a no parking zone, period. The purpose is to allow ramp equipped vans enough room to lower the ramp and allow the wheelchair user to get in and out of his/her vehicle. Parking there IS the exact same thing as taking up the JHCV spot itself, as it preempts the person in the parking spot from making full use of his/her space. Also, in a number of States this very photo (IF it has a date/time stamp) is evidence enough for the local Law enforcement to issue a citation for parking in a HC spot. the police do not have to show up, themselves, the citizens photo is enough evidence for a judge to find the person guilty and levy the appropriate fine. If this happened my MY state, the very fact that it WAS published is sufficient evidence for HER getting a 350 dollar fine. Many states ARE beginning to make revisions to their enforcement codes to allow for just this thing and you will see more and more drivers being fined, based on the evidence provided by other drivers and their Cell Phones.

    • Chili Pommer

      Dammit, Tennessee.

    • Joe_Buddha

      Feel VERY sorry for the daughter…

    • AngryDoc

      I wish people would name her and the community. Her poor kid knows that her mom is a used douchwash of the highest order and yet parents are charged with neglect for letting kids walk to school, and not for this?

    • Lisa

      May I recommend the app called Parking mobility You take photographs of the offending car and information, and the information is sent directly to the police department. The ticket is issued automatically, and you remain anonymous. Its a free app, and it is wonderful. I encourage all police departments to pick this up. Its free cash flow without having to go out and go find the offender before they leave.

    • Lisa Sokol

      Anger issues much? Way to (a) own her mistake, (b) apologize for it, (c) teach the children around her how to handle it when you make a mistake, and (d) make an total jackass out of herself. ~shaking my head~ I have to use a walker to get around and have, several times now, run into a similar issue where folks parked in the loading/unloading lane of the handicapped spot. Seriously people??? The stupid.. it lives.

      • Sue Roediger

        I use a walker too…..one of these days Im gonna lose control in that tight space when the block the loading area……….a car could get scratched.

    • sanduchi

      Horrible people need to be confronted like this much more often. Who I really loved was the other person who told her that she should stop. Everyone should have said something to her. I feel bad for her children.

    • Kat J

      A friend of mine had some douche bag run over her wheelchair as she was unloading in a handicapped space. He got out, pulled her wheelchair free from his car and drove off, leaving no info and a damaged wheelchair. She had just gotten a new custom chair costing over $3000! So the loading area is important for wheelchair users so they dont have jerks who run over their wheelchairs.

    • adrock2000

      I wonder who the husband is that she wished was there.

    • Teresa Hernandez

      So its not ok to inconvenience a disabled person. True that, but not the point. She broke the law. Please tell me she got a ticket. Or two. Financial pain is a weak substitute for justice, but at least it tries.

    • Ole Man

      Embarrassed her daughter. What a stupid B….

    • DBow

      The poor young girl with her looks mortified. I hope she is and didnt end up just like her mother(?). I love the misplaced outrage.

      • Kajsa Williams

        In addition to her outrageous behavior towards the disabled child she was being unbelievably rude to her own daughter.

    • Kajsa Williams

      I remember when my husband fractured his back and was in a wheelchair for a year. People couldnt believe they had to obey the law and actually allow me to move him out of the car and onto the street. I hope this self-absorbed creep gets arrested.

    • Izaya

      She looks like a man. lol

    • William Sullivan

      Youre lucky my husband aint here! Why? So that you can have him beat up the father of a boy who requires the use of a wheelchair? You, madam, are setting a horrible example for your teenage daughter, who seemed quite ashamed of your crude version ASL.

    • Robert Johns

      Hit a nerve did I ? Launching into another tirade of loosely collated epithets to illustrate how angry you are that I called you on your bullshit shows just how shallow you really are. Gather your thoughts and actually construct a decent argument before replying again, I doubt you can defend your opinions with any form of rational argument because they are indefensible & you know it. You resort to insults because thats all you have isnt it? So, next post from you I predict just more insults & zero substance, go on, prove me wrong.

    • David Ziegler

      Im always fond of the do you know who I am . I just know this conversation isnt going to go well. A total waste of time. have a nice life .

    • Brenda Golden

      Just another idiot. The school needs to start enforcing handicapped parking with large fines. Very sad that such scum was allowed to procreate.

    • Mark

      I have a van with a wheelchair lift, been in a chair over 15 years, this aint nothin, even businesses have no respect, I hate Papa Johns for their delivery drivers blocking ramps and curb cuts, I went in to talk to the manager, when I went out the door, I turned back to see them all pointing and laughing at me, so I contacted home office, was completely ignored. That place had done it to me twice, I wasnt there for pizza BTW, it is at a shopping center, the curb cut gets me on the sidewalk to the strip mall.

    • Boss Mare

      You could have just asked me to move. As if…..

    • canucksam

      You cant fix stupid. Shell just do it again.

    • onesoldiersmom

      Love the nice touch, do you know who I am? Youre lucky my husband isnt here.

    • nurseinsomnia

      Omg! I love this man! What an ignorant $hit. I take care and transport a wheel chair bound patient and there are so many selfish, pieces of trash that will block or park in a handicapped spot

    • nurseinsomnia

      the idiots daughter looks mortified. Poor child

    • Steven Bannister

      I actually agree with this woman. Although it was wrong for her to park there, Im disgusted by the way men like this think that shoving a video camera in someones face is going to resolve an issue. In fact, the unnecessary use of video cameras actually inflame situations. Learn how to just TALK to people and RESOLVE conflicts- not inflame them and post them for the world to see.

    • Sue Roediger

      Sounds like you have some personal issues about this topic…

    • Kenneth Henderson

      If only stupidity was classified as a disability. Shes certainly would be the face, finger, and poster child of the stupidity movement.

    • Mark Forrer

      Ohhhh…..you such a hateful little man…..take some prozac before you bust a vein

    • Robert Johns

      Thank you

    • Sue Roediger

      Well …arent you just a wonderful example of humanity? You say you have pain in your ankles, yet dont have a placard. You seem to resent that some people get a placard and use the spaces. You say Should I be fined because I used that space for maybe 2-3 minutes? That sounds like you HAVE used the space without having a placard and have gotten fined. If you really have serious injury to your ankles why dont you get a doctor to sign for you to get one? Then your 2-3 minutes wont get you a fine. … ? Oh wait.. you are a pizza delivery guy so … maybe the pain is not so bad after all. My pizza guy parks in the driveway.
      It sounds like you are the one with a sense of entitlement. I do have a legitimate placard as does my sister who has MS… I dont use it when I am having a good day in order to save the space for those in more need of it. My issue is not just pain, but balance and a knee that sometimes just gives out.
      I do have a sense of humor when something is funny, not merely pathetic. I hope your life gets better, so you can relax a little.

    • Rick

      Happens to me all the time. The ones I really hate use the sticker/placard from their mother/brother/sister/father etc. to park illegally when the handicapped person isnt even in the car.

    • Sue Roediger

      Even with the many handicapped spaces we do have to circle the lot …and not for just a minute. Often we end up double parking so the one with the least mobility can be let off …. we dont freak when we have to wait thats life, as you say…………..but when able bodied use the spaces for the sake of convenience…….its just wrong. You know that too

    • Ron Bo

      Like the rest of your judgments: uninformed.

    • 2Smart2bGOP

      And no front license plate….how convenient. I hope someone recognizes this POS, and that the authorities deal with her appropriately.

    • Marnie Culotta

      I guess I am lucky. I live I Las Vegas and sometimes I too have better days where my disabilities arent as apparant. Nobody here bats an eye. I never get looks or comments here.

    • becky

      maybe the bumps and crashes and scratch marks from trying to maneuver a wheelchair through that tiny space would get her attention better.

    • marelbert

      Her daughter looked like she just wanted to crawl into a hole, sometimes parents are just so EMBARRISING!! The daughter was probably thinking Please just let me Die Right NOW.

    • hardwroc

      Notice the mortified daughter forced to sit through that tirade. Shes probably asking why she couldnt have been born into a family with class.

    • hardwroc

      And arthritic knees that limit mobility which increases the problem of weight gain. You just cannot judge their disability by sight, unless you are a Republican watching a video and overruling an attending doctors opinion from a remote location.

    • Sheri

      What a slob, tee shirt drip included.

    • denalirmi

      Now Im curious who she is president of the PTA? On the school board? Booster club president? Whatever it is, she apparently thinks it comes with some sort of privilege.

    • jm33b

      Using her middle finger made her a lot uglier than she really is . Hope she enjoys her minute of infamy .

    • JanMutcher

      Did anyone else hear her say been there done that? And shes still incensed that anyone would call her on it. Hope her fine was doubled!

    • empressoftheeye

      Do you know who I am? Classic bad behavior. Pity the daughter…

    • afgail

      Tennessee license plates…. explains it all. Southerners break the law then get all hissy fitty when you call them on it. Symptomatic of billigerent low grade morons.

    • Jeannie Huff

      haha… Do you know who I am? … ANSWER: yep a giant douche bag… all you had to do is ask me to move from a spot that says DO NOT PARK… why ask? are you too illiterate to read? Poor kid with her.

    • yellowdoggie

      That poor girl. Imagine going through your teen years with a handicap like that mother.

    • Tia Maria

      You should be ashamed of yourself. Not only does it say NO PARKING (Yes, this means YOU TOO.. Handicapped or NOT-DERP), but that poor girl in the car with her was clearly humiliated & she did nothing wrong. Grow Up People!!!!!!! Why does everyone today think they have special entitlement over everyone else for 1 reason or another, & have absolutely NO respect for the next person?? && you all wonder why God is pissed. (slap!/slap!) May the Lord have mercy on your pathetic ratchet little souls.

    • Dion Draper

      thats no woman. thats gene simmons.

    • StrangerWithCandy

      What an ugly person. Inside and out.

    • smarterboy13

      Obviously this is Obamas fault. If a republican was president she would never have to be inconvenienced by some whining loser kid with a disability. Damn you Obama!

    • Karen Harper

      As someone who has been handicapped just since April, Id like to point out that the majority of people abusing the handicapped parking system have a handicapped tag hanging from their rearview mirror. They have it for when they take their mother, aunt, grandfather or whomever, to a doctors appointment and somehow they take that assistance for their relative to mean privilege for them. I was shocked when I found that not only do perfectly healthy people regularly park in handicapped spaces using a parking decal clearly issued to a family member but Ive had people rush to get past me at every store Ive been to in order to checkout sooner. They see me with my basket of 2 items and literally brush me out of the way to run ahead and get in the checkout line with a cart full of groceries every single time I go to the store. One lady nearly knocked me over as she RAN to get past me and get the last motorized scooter at Costco, looking back at me the whole time to make sure I wasnt suddenly going to ditch my walker and try to get the scooter that she wanted so badly. In every single case of rudeness, near abuse, and misuse of the handicapped parking system by healthy people, the person has been a white woman and shes usually in her 30s. While I realize that there is a small percentage of people who are handicapped in a way thats not visible (breathing problems, etc.), you can tell when someone is not having any difficulty whatsoever prancing around with their giant boxes of granola bars, paper towels and a bucket of hand sanitizer and all 20 handicapped parking spaces at Costco are taken up by these folks and one or two actual handicapped people. If youre going to use grandmas handicapped decal, at least pretend to limp or something.

    • mottrocks

      That should be considered child abuse. That poor kid.

      • Tia Maria

        It is! Harassment is a jail-able offense, parking in a No Parking Zone isnt. People should make sure they are in the right before trying to humiliate another human being. Sad.

    • Babbs DaFuq

      Well I will say this. I think that handicapped people and their companions are the biggest abusers of handicap spaces that there are. Those spaces are meant to be used by either handicap people traveling alone who can walk but just have a hard time walking or for whom exerting the effort it takes to walk is very difficult on the pulmonary or respiratory systems, or people who for whatever reason cant be left on the curb while their able bodied companion parks the car in a regular spot. Theyre not meant to be used by people who travel with a companion who could leave them at the door of an establishment and then park the car in a normal space and then pick them up at the door when leaving. Theyre not meant to be used so that the companions of handicapped persons who are not themselves handicapped can use the handicap space to go into an establishment while the handicapped person sits in the car. Yet, you see this done all the time. I often see people sitting in a car in handicap spaces and just because they have the placard doesnt make it right for that to be occurring. If you are a handicapped individual and someone drives you to an establishment they can leave you at the curb and pick you up at the curb and park in a regular space in between whether they wait in the car or where they go in with you, depending on the severity of your handicap. If youre a handicapped person and its you waiting in the car, why in the world is your nonhandicapped companion parking in the handicapped spot? There shouldnt be anyone sitting in a car in the handicapped spot yet you see it all the time.

    • Jim Haldeman

      votes repuke i am sure.

    • rejectrepublicanlies

      Behold your typical, angry white trash, Fox-loving Tea Party Republican. Poor kidsthey have no chance with parents like this.

    • Mishi Macabre

      If that women had had any remorse for what she did, she could have went up to the man, and said, I noticed that you are recording me. I see that I was in the wrong and I apologize for that. I should not have been parked there. Can you please delete the video? But the way she acted was ridiculously immature. I would have put her on blast too.

      • Tia Maria

        Really? you tell me 1 person who would act like that in this same situation besides Jesus Christ himself. As far as your remark on my comment, you know what opinions are like.. right? Everyone has one. It doesnt make what you say true. It only shows ignorance to the fact that people think they can do whatever they want & its JUST OK. THEY WERE BOTH IN THE WRONG. GET OVER IT. I would have put her on blast too you say. Just goes to show that you are part of the PROBLEM, NOT THE SOLUTION.

    • Milo DeVere


    • Lincoln F. Sternn

      Picture of a mortified teenage girl.

    • prt1231


    • MOG253

      Wow, classy.

    • carole

      Poor daughter with a white trash, low class, loud mouthed woman for a mother. Im sure the girl is taking a lot of bullying and teasing for how her mother acted. Sorry, Kid.

    • Sharon Yeager

      Ive had to wait outside a disabled restroom stall while an able bodied person uses it too many times to count. My moms in a wheelchair, so Im waiting with her. I always feel so very bad for my mom, because obviously, were there because she needs to go.

    • notadailycaller

      He obviously doesnt know who she IS! Soon we will all know who she is. What fun.

    • notadailycaller

      He better watch out! He doesnt know who she is!!

    • notadailycaller

      Come on folks. The chubby obnoxious self serving female is way more important than any of us…much less a physically challenged child!

    • notadailycaller

      How rude to call attention to the super rude.

    • Linda Worley

      The hash marked area between handicapped parking spaces is set aside to allow wheel chair lifts to deploy from the car. Many times we have returned to our car to find that we cannot get our daughter back in the car because a car has parked in that area (or sometimes a couple of motorcycles). This womans behavior is disgusting, but not uncommon. In fact, given the recent behavior by Donald Trump mocking a disabled man, I am concerned that demeaning and discourteous behavior toward people with disabilities will increase. Until these behaviors are called out by EVERYONE they will not change. Kudos to the person taking the photo.

    • Scott Sims

      Its actually refreshing that she admitted her mistake at the end. Why is everyone so heated about this one. Most people in these videos keep up the defensive attitude. This one is encouraging for humanity. It shows that instead of hostility the man explaining things in an even tempered, non hostile way, can sometimes make a difference and change someones mind.

    • freespeechalways

      She also doesnt have a license plate on the front bumper which is probably illegal also. Thats probably why she is so bold and obnoxious.

    • phil

      She needed to be called out because you know it wasnt the first time she has used a handicapped parking spot.

    • Blondy Van Weirden

      I thought there was going to be a video.

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