
Titanfall Devs May Plan Oculus Rift Support

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Titanfall may support the Oculus Rift according to the devs.

Most of us who are PC gamers will tell you that the Oculus Rift is a device that will pave the way for a whole new era of video games. The virtual reality headset is destined to revolutionize the gaming industry in ways we have never seen before. It should be no surprised then that Respawn Entertainment, the developers for the upcoming next-gen shooter Titanfall, may be planning on supporting the Oculus Rift on launch day.

According to a tweet sent out on the official twitter of Respawn, the team has received their Oculus Rift dev kit and are planning on looking at how they can implement it in their game. When asked if this means Titanfall will support it, the reply was “Nothing official yet but you never know.”

Titanfall in itself is set to be a first of its kind by combining the single player campaign and the multiplayer into a seamlessly story driven experience. With support for the Oculus Rift, gamers will be able to enjoy realistic, fully immersive mech/first person battles, and I don’t think anyone will be complaining about that.

To check out the tweets yourself, click here!

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