What do Amazon, Ben & Jerry’s, and Google all have in common? They have a pro-pets policy in place that results in happier and more productive employees. While 20% of US companies have recognized the benefits of allowing their staff to bring their pets to work, the remaining 80% haven’t considered what it could do not only for employees but for business, too.
If you’re a business owner and practice a no-pets policy in the workplace, you might want to rethink your stance and make the office pet-friendly for the following six reasons.
See Also: Top 6 Companies And Their Office Pets
1. Strengthened Work Relationships

There’s always that one person in the office that we don’t get along with (hint: Shirley in accounting), but it’s extremely unlikely that that same dislike will extend to her Golden Retriever, Jess, too. In fact, we probably run over to Shirley’s desk as soon as we arrive at the office every morning to say hello to Jess and get covered in smooches.
People often get to know each other through their pets, and a pro-pets policy can promote a sense of collaboration, community, connection, and trust in the workplace. Better yet, you’ll no longer have to worry about investing company time and money in resolving employee feuds as their pets will already be seeing to that for free and in the cutest possible way ever.
2. Reduced Stress Levels
Allowing employees to bring their pets to work gives them a peace of mind knowing that their furry friends are within reach. In fact, a 2012 study found that workers who brought their pets to work saw an 11% decrease in stress levels by the end of the day – compared to a massive 70% spike in those who left Fido at home. Also, simply petting or hugging the in-house cats or dogs can rapidly calm and soothe employees when they’re feeling stressed as a relaxation hormone is released into their bodies.
Meanwhile, we’re often advised to take a short walk around the block when our workloads start overwhelming us. And bringing their dogs to work offers employees the perfect excuse to go out for 10 minutes or so to clear their heads and come back to work with a new approach on how to tackle a challenging project.
3. Encouraged Longer Work Hours

You might be thinking that pets in the workplace would only distract employees, but that’s simply not the case. In fact, these four-legged friends of ours can amazingly help boost workplace productivity.
In a 2008 survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association found that workers were willing to put in more hours when pets were allowed in the office as they had a good reason to stick around a little longer if they needed to. Not only that, but pet-friendly companies also saw a huge drop in employee absenteeism.
4. Improved Employee Health
A 2007 study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology explored the relationship between domestic dogs and human health, and found that pet owners tended to be a lot healthier than their non-pet owner counterparts. The review discovered that dog owners in particular had lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and were generally less prone to minor and major health issues. Office pets were also found to decrease smoking in the workplace, while a 2008 study by researchers at the University of Minnesota’s Stroke Institute in Minneapolis suggested that cat ownership reduced the risk of heart attacks by 30%.
Meanwhile, offices with pro-pet policies tend to notice a spike in employee fitness as they get more exercise when they take their pooches out for walks. And we all know how good walking can be for you: other than greatly reducing the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, walking can also help strengthen your bones and maintain a healthy weight. An added benefit for dog owners is that it’s far more convenient (and cheaper) than having to hire a dog walker.
5. Improved Job Satisfaction

Employees today value a more open, flexible, and comfortable workplace (is it any wonder why Google keeps topping “best companies to work for” lists?), and the abolition of your no-pets-at-work policy can greatly help improve job satisfaction.
As discussed earlier, employees tend to take fewer sick days when they’re happy in their jobs which, in turn, can lead to higher retention rates. Meanwhile, this laidback company culture could be the bait your business needs to bring in new talent.
6. Reinforced Relationships with Clients
Other than boosting internal morale, an office’s pets can help the company bond with clients, vendors, and consumers. Take Internet giant Google for instance – it might be worth some $367 billion, but its sleeping pods and pet friendliness make it seem more human and approachable.
The headquarters of Ibex, meanwhile, an outdoor clothing company, is home to 23 dogs and have “more coming soon” according to their Dogs Matter page. Keith Anderson, the company’s marketing VP, says the guests get “pretty psyched that there are dogs all over the place” and that it’s an immediate conversation starter helping break the ice. They also sometimes feature their pooches in marketing materials and campaigns, and Anderson says “it helps us connect with our end consumer.”
See Also: 5 Jobs For Cat Lovers
Bring Your Dog to Work Day may be a little far away from now (June 24) but it will give you plenty of time to butter up your boss to take part, even if it’s just for a day. You could even share this list with him to help him warm up to the idea of an all-year-round pet-friendly workplace. And if he’s worried about employees with allergies or who (gasp) don’t like animals at all, well, they’re only expendable, aren’t they?
Can you think of any other benefits of an office pro-pets policy? Perhaps you work in a pet-friendly environment and have a few pointers you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments section below!