Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases. According to American diabetes association in 2012 almost 30 millions 0r 10 % of Americans have diabetes.


Actually diabetes is developing very fast. Recent study has shown that is the growth of diabetes continues in the next 50 years, the change in the number and demographic characteristics of the population of USA will lead to dramatically high number of people with diagnosed diabetes.
According to the mainstream approach of the disease, the main purpose in treating this disease is to lower any kind of glucose increasing into the blood without causing abnormal low levels of sugar. Diabetes type 1 is treating with insulin, physical activity and special eating regimen. Diabetes type 2 is treating with reducing body weight, special eating regimen and physical activity.

Six people were conducted to a research for diabetes. All of them were diabetics but with different lifestyle.
Austin, age 25 not only that he had diabetes type 1 but he also had a lung problem.
Kurt, age 25 has blood sugar level of 1200e, knowing the fact that normal is under 1000. His doctor said he should be dead with this amount of sugar.
Bill, age 58 besides sugar in the blood, he has the need to go visits cardiologist and neurologists. He has problems with his legs.
Michelle, age 36 was pretty much fat.
Henry, age 58 was taking insulin and 9 pills daily. The level of sugar in the blood was 464
Pam, age 62 was pretty much fat. Her father, brother and sister are also diabetics.

Method- raw food
The method of treating diabetes is with changing the diet. Some research shows that people who eat meat have 4 times greater chances to have breast cancer, prostate cancer, to have diabetes and many more chronic illnesses.
According to this study it is believed that eating raw food and plants can help in treating this disease.

Only after three days Kurt, Bill and henry were capable to stop using insulin and pills. Their blood sugar level comes under the limit. The other participants succeeded to reduce the intake of insulin.
By the 12 day of the research Henry succeeded to lower the sugar to 256. Nil stopped with the pills. At the day 17 henry decided to go home, because he was feeling to old for this, but while he was here he manage to lose weight, sugar and pressure.
Till the last 30 th day the research sowed amazing results.

All of the participants had drastic changes.
Watch the video below!!!