Watch This Badass Girl Rip Out Her Baby Tooth With A Sling Bow

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Waiting for loose baby teeth to fall out naturally can be a real exercise in patience, which has led both parents and kids to come up with some pretty innovative ways to pull out those pesky molars.

But badass 11-year-old Alexis Davidson has got to take the prize for the craziest way to do it because she tied her loose tooth to a sling bow… and fired it out of her mouth.


Its the worlds first tooth extraction with a badass sling bow, her dad declares, gleefully capturing the whole event in slow-mo for our viewing pleasure.


For someone whos about to lose a tooth, Alex looks pretty happy.


She calmly takes aim…


… and fires!


She then gingerly pokes the spot with her tongue to check if shes done it.


It worked! For young Alex, this is probably better than winning gold at the Olympics.


The girl is a pretty good shot, too.


One more time for the road…

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